The World Of The Linux
Linux from inside Linux by user`s eyes Desktop Environments User-friendly distros Powerfull Enterprise distros LightWeight distros Very Smart distros Linux vs. Winows

Linux from inside - 1 : Kernel

What does the Kernel do?
  1. Process management
  2. Memory management
  3. Hardware management
  4. Time management
  5. Account management
  6. Network
Linux without anything
  1. Very powerfull
  2. Strongly protected
  3. Pratically perfect...
  4. Absolutelly useless :)

Linux from inside - 2 : Nude OS

What can it do?
  1. To be upgradet
  2. To be embedded
  3. To work at low level
  4. To crack the Pentagon
  5. To guard Windows against viruses
  6. To resurrect killed Windows
Linux with drivers & command shell
  1. It can drive a driver
  2. It can run very fast
  3. It is able to be upgraded to anything in the world
  4. A driver can feel, that he is driven by something very powerfull
  5. It is useless for home/office work completelly

Linux from inside - 3 : DeskTop

What do
You want?
  1. Office? - Yes!
  2. Chatting? - Yes! :)
  3. Audio/video? - Yes!
  4. Photo edition? - Yes!
  5. Games? - yes...
  6. Science? - Yes, Yes!!!
Linux with the X & graphic applications
  1. Much customizable, than Windows desktop
  2. Ability of choice among different desktops
  3. All kinds of applications
  4. Some hardware works directly, without drivers
  5. Some software works directly, without environments

Linux from inside - 4 : SERVER

What can they say about Linux servers?
  1. Very powerfull
  2. Very powerfull
  3. Very very very powerfull!

But a server is not a desktop! Don`t mix!

Linux from inside - 5 : LightWeight

For what?
  1. Rescue
  2. Hacking
  3. Cracking
  4. Old computers
  5. Development
  6. For fun
Linux with special environmtent
  1. Has a speed of the hypersonic rocket & a power of the nuclear bomb!
  2. Works without installation, from removable drives
  3. Makes no footprints in system
  4. Animates very slow & old computers
  5. Resurrects killed systems, kills alive systems

Linux by user`s eyes

What do You want as user? Internet, audio/video, photomanipulation, document manipulation, games...

Well, Linux is not bad choice for You!

  • Browser

    Google, Firefox

  • Video Chat


  • Office

    Open/Libre/WPS Office, AbiWord, Gnumeric

  • Photo editor


  • Computer graphycs

    InkScape, Krita

  • Publishing


  • 3D design

    Blender 3D

  • Music

    TuxGuitar, MuseScore

  • Are You a developer? - Linux is the best for You!

    Need You in some Windows programm? - most of them are working on the Wine properly

    Do You love games? - yes, Windows is better... but Linux isn`t bad at all! Learn about the Steam.

    Linux by user`s eyes: Software Distribution

    Windows-style can form some bad habits, it will impede to You to use Linux. Don't find a sofware in the Internet!

    A distributive of the Linux is the Kernel and some huge software set. Little part of this set would be installet during installation of the Linux, other part (it contains 10 000-s items!) is optional. This optional part is contained in repositories. You can install any program from a repository by 1-2 easy steps by a Package Manager (PM).

    How to install the Firefox on Ubuntu, for example:

    # apt-get install firefox

    If You are afraid of the CLI, then You may use some GUI for PM, like the Synaptic

    Linux by user`s eyes: Installation

    An installation of user-friendly Linux distributive is more simple than Windows installation!

    1. Simple installation for blonde girls

    1. Go to the official site
    2. Download a .iso file of the Linux
    3. Burn the .iso on a CD
    4. Load the CD into a comp and reboot
    5. Press buttons "Yes" until the installation will be completed
    6. Be happy!

    2. Expert insallation with saving your Windows

    Check any items where is written something about Windows and be happy. Linux never kills Windows without asking! You will have a ability to choose between Linux and Windows after the installation.

    Moreover, Linux can resurrect old dead Windows on missing partitions!

    Linux by user`s eyes: Command Line

    Most of Windows-users are very afraid of the Linux Command Line, like this baby.

    Don`t worry, You can ignore the CLI with user-friendly Linux, like Ubuntu.

    But now we will try to learn the CLI a little.

    Start the gnome-terminal for working with CLI on our computers in this class.

    Learn at first those commands: ls, cd, touch, cp, mv, cat, rm, which provide basic file manipulations. Start a editor Geany by geany &. Start a browser by google-chrome &. Use those keys:

    Up arrow calls previous command;
    Tab completes commands and file names;
    Ctrl + L cleans the terminal;
    Ctrl + C stops the command.

    After some such exercicies You will be able to crack the Pentagon! :)


    DE is a set of many programs for work:

    DE in Linux:

    Differences bitween DE-s:

    Complicated. Customizable. Powerfull


    KDE applications KDE look Screens

    Most popular DE/WM


    Most shortly about: more than 5000 apps. Some apps are unique in whole world. But KDE is too large and heavy... Not for slow comps!


    Not so huge, as KDE. GTK-based instead Qt in KDE. GNOME-3 seems to be fail of it`s authors... Generates many forks


    "A light-weight GNOME": small, fast, simple. The coice of Linus Torvalds! KDE-apllications can work after installation of large bit of KDE


    A maniacally minimalistic variant of the GNOME. A good coice for slow comps, virtual machines and "live" distros


    A graphical shell of the GNOME installed for default on the Ubuntu. Unity seems strange a bit and it demands some adaptation


    It's not a DE, it's a smart and light tiling WM for advanced users

    Linux vs. Winows

    "Сразу нужно сказать, что работа биоинформатика без Linux практически невозможна, поскольку большинство биоинформатических программ созданы именно под эту операционную систему и работают только на ней."
    Кто-то может сказать, что Microsoft вцепился в ПК-пространство крепче некуда и это неизбежно. Знаете что? Fuck that. Свобода неизбежна. Linux является неизбежным. Сопротивление бесполезно.

    Kali Linux



    Great IT woman

    1. Hedy Lamarr

    2. Grace "grandmother COBOL" Hopper

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